Family Violence Lawyer in San Antonio Defending Clients From Criminal Charges
Divorce is a very emotional experience where people experience many emotions, including confusion, uncertainty, and anger. In some cases, the marriage has fallen apart due to family violence, and sometimes during the separation and divorce, some spouses make poor decisions and resort to abuse and violence.
What Does Family Violence Consist Of?
If you are a victim of domestic violence, you should contact your local authorities by calling 9-1-1 and get immediate help.
Abuse is a form of control. There are many different forms of domestic abuse. These are just a few:
- Physical Abuse is hitting, slapping, pushing, grabbing, pinching, biting, hair pulling etc. Not allowing a spouse to get medical care or forcing alcohol/drugs is also physical abuse.
- Sexual Abuse is pressuring or attempting to pressure a victim into sexual acts without their permission. This includes marital rape and attacks on sexual parts of the body.
- Emotional Abuse is where the abuser works to destroy the victim’s sense of self-worth and self-esteem. Examples of this type of abuse are constant criticism, name-calling, or damaging the victim’s relationship with his or her children.
Family violence can influence how the divorce court rules. Protect yourself and your children with the help of an attorney. Family violence is serious and should be taken seriously, whether you are a victim of family violence or wrongfully accused of committing family violence. If you were accused of causing bodily harm to a person in your household, you need a criminal attorney to protect your rights.
As an experienced San Antonio family violence Law Firm, South TX Family Law understands the sensitive nature of these types of cases and will work diligently to achieve the best outcome possible for you.
What Are the Consequences of a Family Violence Conviction?
Regarding family violence incidents, if you are found guilty of committing an act of family violence against someone in your household, there are various punishments that could affect your future plans. The average sentence for this type of conviction can range from one to five years of confinement in the penitentiary, depending on if you are convicted of a class A misdemeanor, class B misdemeanor, or a class C misdemeanor. However, there are also other penalties to consider: probation, community service hours, counseling sessions, restitution costs/fees related to medical expenses resulting from injuries caused by the incident.
Not only can consequences vary depending on the severity of the allegations, but they can also differ depending on whether you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony. If this is your first offense, our firm may be able to help you obtain favorable results, which includes no further jail time and the charges could be dismissed if you meet all court requirements.
After reviewing your case, we will devise a strategy that works in your best interest; however, if you decide to proceed to trial instead of taking an offer from prosecutors, there is no guarantee that the judge will rule in your favor. We will discuss with you all available options prior to making any decisions about your case.
Should I Hire a Family Violence Attorney?
If you have been charged with Family Violence, it is in your best interest to consult with an attorney immediately. Hiring an attorney that is experienced in these types of cases may provide you with the knowledge you need to get favorable results without further court appearances or jail time. This can save you from having a criminal record, which could also affect your educational prospects, future employment opportunities, and current employment status.
In some cases, you may be able to avoid charges altogether by attending counseling courses successfully. If this is not possible for some reason, we will fight the charges by challenging the evidence against you and seeking alternative resolutions where appropriate. We know that each case is unique; therefore, we will provide you with an aggressive defense that works in your favor. Contact us today at (210) 775-0353 and get the representation you deserve.