Usually, the only reason a court orders spousal maintenance is if it can be proven that one spouse definitely needs the support. A good example would be if one parent put their career on hold to take care of a child, then the court might find they are owed financial support from the spouse who kept working. This is extremely likely if the spouse who quit their career wasn’t able to develop highly marketable skills or was a stay-at-home parent for many years.

That said, if both parents worked the entire marriage, the court may find there to be no reason for one spouse to provide ongoing support after the divorce. Often the best way to figure out if spousal maintenance is owed is to speak to an experienced family law attorney. If you have questions about how spousal maintenance will work in your specific situation, contact our law firm at (210) 775-0353 to speak to a family law attorney.

Is Spousal Maintenance Temporary?

Often, spousal maintenance is ordered to provide financial support to a spouse who chose to put their career on hold in order to take care of a child and help the family. That said, spousal maintenance isn’t always a long time. Sometimes it can end after the spouse who put their career on hold gets training or a new job, upon the sale of a house or reception of a financial windfall, or simply once the divorce is final, depending on the specific scenario.

Can Spousal Maintenance Be Modified?

While some versions of spousal maintenance cannot be modified, other versions can be modified in certain circumstances. A common example is rehabilitation support. Rehabilitation support can end early if the supported spouse completes rehabilitation ahead of schedule or relapses. Spousal maintenance can also be modified for various reasons like a spouse dying or the supported spouse getting remarried. Contact our San Antonio family law firm today to learn more about how spousal maintenance works in your situation.

Does The Length Of Marriage Matter?

The length of time you were married is often the most important factor in determining the length and amount of spousal maintenance ordered. In most states, the marriage needs to have lasted at least seven years. However, there are various situations where marriage maintenance will be granted for marriages lasting less than seven years. The best way to determine what your specific circumstances will be is to speak to a well-informed and experienced family law attorney. Contact South TX Family Law today at (210) 775-0353.