Modification & Enforcement Lawyer in San Antonio Fighting for the Needs of Your Child
Child custody and child support issues often become contentious, especially when parents cannot come to an agreement on their own. If you need help modifying your existing order to reflect the changes in your circumstances or if you need enforcement, our San Antonio modification and enforcement lawyer will vigorously represent your interests at every stage of the process.
A divorce is never easy on the children involved, which makes it all the more important that any child custody and child support orders be carefully tailored to the family’s needs. Call South TX Family Law, today for experienced legal representation from a trusted professional who understands how emotional these matters can be. We provide representation to families throughout San Antonio and the surrounding communities.
Our law firm also helps with other family law-related matters, including adoptions, paternity issues, grandparent rights, and marriage contracts. Put our many years of legal experience to work for you today by calling 210-775-0353.
Can I Ask for a Modification to Child Custody or Child Support
Court orders for child support may not reflect your new reality and current circumstances. Whether you are the custodial parent or the support-paying parent, you have rights when it comes to modifications. You may petition for a modification for child support payments if your income changes, your health prevents you from working, or your child has gone off to college. Likewise, the custodial parent may petition for an increase or decrease in support if their financial circumstances change dramatically or their children are spending more time with the other parent.
San Antonio modification and enforcement lawyer South TX Family Law understands how difficult it can be to come to terms with these sorts of issues, but she also knows that they are best resolved through legal means. Our family law firm’s goal is to help you secure a fair outcome for all involved.
What If The Non-Custodial Parent is Violating Their Agreement?
Enforcement typically refers to efforts made by one party against another in order to ensure that they are complying with an existing court order. For example, if you are the parent with primary custody of your children and the other parent is late in making their child support payment to you for several months, then you can file a motion for enforcement with the court. The judge may issue an arrest warrant or other penalty against the other party for failing to make timely payments.
Again, our firm’s modification and enforcement lawyer understands how important it is to protect your rights as a custodial parent, support-paying parent, or other involved parties. We are passionate about working hard to secure positive outcomes on behalf of families throughout San Antonio.
How Can a Modification & Enforcement Attorney Make My Life Easier?
As the former spouse of a spousal support or child support paying parent, you have the right to take enforcement actions if a child support order, child custody order, or spousal support order is being violated. A modification & enforcement lawyer can help you obtain the child custody or spousal support modifications that are fair to both parents.
Our law firm’s family law attorneys represent clients who want to modify their current order by petitioning the court for a statutory change, such as a modification based on a substantial change of circumstances or change in income that has occurred since the original order was issued. You may also ask us to take action if someone is not complying with the orders you have regarding child custody, visitation rights, or parenting time.
Is Hiring a Modification & Enforcement Attorney Worth it?
We understand how difficult it can be when your ex-spouse or child’s other parent does not comply with court orders to provide support or follow an agreement. Let us handle the legal portion of your case so you can focus on other areas of your life.
Our modification & enforcement lawyer is dedicated to protecting your rights and achieving positive results for you and your children. You deserve a reliable and compassionate advocate who will fight relentlessly to ensure that you receive the most favorable outcome possible in this difficult time period. Call us today at 210-775-0353 to learn more about your next steps.