Fathers’ Rights Lawyer in San Antonio Fighting for Paternity Rights
Do you need help fighting for your paternity rights? Fathers should have equal rights to custody of their children after a divorce. If the mother is unwilling to let that happen, the father may want to seek legal counsel from a fathers’ rights lawyer in San Antonio. This type of law can be very complex, which is why it’s important to hire an experienced attorney who can represent you well.
South TX Family Law has experience with filing petitions, claims, and complaints on behalf of clients who are asserting their parental rights. At our law firm, we make sure that fathers are able to receive child support order modifications or enforcement if they believe that there has been a mistake made by the court or another party involved in the case. We specialize in guiding parents through the legal process of filing complaints against another to establish paternity. If you want to be able to petition the court for assistance, schedule a consultation with our San Antonio fathers’ rights lawyer today.
What are a Father’s Rights?
Fathers have the right to visit their children, even if they are no longer together with their mother. Our law firm specializes in helping fathers receive visitation orders so that they can spend quality time with their kids without having to go back and forth regarding scheduling or pick-up times. We also fight when a father’s rights have been violated. Mothers and women can sometimes inherently get favorable treatment when it comes to the custody of a child following a divorce. Getting legal representation to protect your rights in this situation or in a situation where you would like more visitation rights as a father is key. Children having a quality relationship with their father can be important to their growth. Father rights lawyers do whatever it takes to ensure the best interest of children or a child involved in a divorce. Let a divorce and family law attorney in San Antonio guide you through the legal system to get the best results possible going forward.
What If My Rights Are Being Violated?
Legal issues often arise if your rights as a parent and a father become violated. This can happen when a visitation schedule or a parenting plan is not followed as ordered and approved by the court. If your rights are being violated, you should work with a father’s rights lawyer in San Antonio to resolve the issue or file a claim. Divorces can often bring out negative feelings in people, especially if their children are involved. Having an attorney by your side who is experienced with family law matters and understands the issues fathers face when it comes to legal custody battles may help you better navigate through these challenging times.
What Can a Paternity Lawyer Do For Me?
If you are seeking to establish paternity, our San Antonio fathers’ rights lawyer at the South TX Family Law can help ensure that your child’s best interests are met and that their legal parentage is allowed by the court under the law. Our firm is known for finding solutions to family law issues and helping clients find peace with their decisions going forward. We can answer any questions you have about how paternity affects your children today and into the future, along with establishing a plan to uphold your parental rights.
Should I Hire a Paternity Attorney?
Family law attorneys are often involved in matters concerning child custody, divorce, and other important areas of law that can affect children directly. Many fathers are becoming more active when it comes to watching their kids grow up or feel like they should be allowed equal rights as mothers after the birth of a child during a marriage. A San Antonio lawyer for fathers’ rights can help you navigate through local family courts, particularly if you think your visitation rights are being violated or need help modifying an existing plan. Consider working with our legal team today to learn how we can fight for your parental rights.