Establishing paternity is essentially determining who the legal and biological father of the child is. Sometimes it is decided by the courts, other times it’s decided by the parents. Whoever is determined to be the child’s father, is responsible for the child, and therefore may have the right to try and have the child in his life. Establishing paternity can also determine who will be required to financially support the child and have an effect on custody and visitation rights.

In any case, contacting our experienced San Antonio law firm can clear up any questions you may have regarding paternity. Contact us today at (210) 775-0353 to learn more.

How Is Paternity Established When The Couple Is Married?

If the parents of a child were married at the time of the child’s birth, it is assumed the husband is the father of the child, unless the paternity is contested in the first two years. Any children born to a married couple are assumed by the court to belong to the husband. If a married woman is impregnated by a man who is not her husband, he also has the right to establish paternity. He can ask for a paternity test within the first two years. Contact a family lawyer in San Antonio today to see just how your child’s medical requirements may affect your child support payments in the future.

How Is Paternity Established When The Couple Is Not Married?

Determining paternity can be much more complicated when the couple is unmarried, depending on the situation. If a man has been living with the mother and child, and proven to be responsible and committed, he is likely to be assumed the father. If that’s not the case, he will likely need to take a paternity test for the court to recognize him as the father and give orders for child custody and support. The biological father has responsibilities and rights regardless of the status of his circumstances with the mother.

What Is The Process Of Determining Parentage?

Working with an experienced family lawyer can eliminate a lot of the stress and confusion that often comes with determining paternity. The first thing you’ll do is file a petition for paternity with the court. The court will then order a pretrial hearing to determine if a court date will be needed. If there isn’t an agreement between the parties, the court will often order genetic testing on everyone involved: the child, the mother, and the alleged father.

It is important to have strong legal representation by your side helping you navigate your paternity case Contact South TX Family Law today by calling (210) 775-0353 to get the help you deserve.